Cow Abductors - Devlog October 2014

Hello, first I would like to welcome you on Cow Abductors game website where you will find summary of developement progress every month. More frequent updates can be found on TIGSource and some snippets on my twitter. Let's start with past month - October.

October is the month where it all started so this is not going too far into the past. Here you can find older and newer version of digram with basic game interactions:

This helped me a lot when figuring out what I want from the game. Then I started working on the game itself. Starting with cows and  farmers which you can abduct:

Also you can see I added a little wobble to the saucer so it seems more like it's levitating.

After that I worked on "cutscene" system which will be used to tell the story of the aliens, who don't know why they are supposed to abduct cows. I worked a lot on the characters and them being different from each other. Also you should get that this is a funny game (hopefuly). I started with just something rough and then added background and proper textbox.

To be fair to you I don't have the story fully worked out yet. Basic premise is that Captain Egass is send with his crew to planet Earth to abduct cows but they really don't know why. All they know is they were send by their Prince.

After that I worked on the AI. At the start it was just walking from A to B but pathfinding was needed. I wrote some more about this on my blog FanaticalSmile so here are just some gifs:

Then I felt it was time to go from placeholder graphics to more polished ones. I did some tests and came up with this:

Last thing I did this month was more work on menu. I did rough sketch just with some basic shapes and it is not really what I like. It doesn't seem connected to the game in any way but I have some more ideas. Maybe next month there will be a better looking one. Also I started thinking about achievements in the game and what those could be. I came up with newspaper headlines which will communicate what you did to get it. The one you can see will be obtained if farmer sees you but you don't abduct him.

So that is it for October. I hope you like what you see. It would be nice to see some comments with your opinions so don't be too shy. Thanks a lot for your attention and see you next month!

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